The Key to Better Distance and Accuracy
September 13, 2023

If you are trying to hit the wrong driver off the tee box, it makes it much harder to deliver a solid shot. This often leads to making on-course adjustments to your swing, which usually results in hooks and slices as well as more frustration and anxiety between drives.
“Here’s the problem,” says Lance Reeder, the founder of Krank Golf, “only one percent of golfers swing a club 115 mph or faster; and unless you do, you are not able to take full advantage of the latest driver technology.”
For recreational golfers, a driver should be the easiest club hit. After all, it has the largest surface area for making solid contact and you can tee the ball to a comfortable height to match a more sweeping motion. Unfortunately, a poorly matched clubhead spring-effect can make it difficult to get distance and accuracy your swing deserves.
Since many of today’s professional golfers and low-handicap amateurs are driving the ball past the intended landing areas for many golf courses, the United States Golf Association (USGA) established a maximum spring effect for the face of metal drivers. But spring effect should be based on swing speed and not used as a metric for parity between golf clubs sold in stores and those played on Tour.
Are Equipment Rules Unfair for Recreational Golf?
The unfortunate truth is many of the rules about driver clubheads were written to control the distance that professional golfers and top amateurs can hit the ball in tournament play. So, if you frequently participate in tournament play or have aspirations of turning Pro, adherence to a strict interpretation of the USGA Rules of Golf is required. But unless you play golf for money or prizes, you are likely a recreational golfer whose game is likely hindered by how governing bodies use equipment rules to make up for course design deficiencies.
All too often recreational golfers become frustrated and give up the game, or leave their driver in the garage due to the difficulty in swinging a poorly matched club. “There is really no reason to make comparisons between low-handicap golfers and the 25 million-plus recreational golfers,” adds Reader. “It is simple science. The face of your driver is like a trampoline, but only if you have the proper face thickness for your swing speed.”
Correctly configured, a Krank driver can add significant distance for any given swing speed, especially for those with a medium to slower swing speed. These are the recreational golfers who spend money on the sport but are hurt the most by golf club manufacturers that offer a single driver-face spring effect. That’s why Krank Golf is fully committed to making sure all golfers are rewarded with a fair face thickness. Any Formula Fire driver, regardless of skill level, is rated for a specific swing speed to take full advantage of club technology.
Precision Milled for Distance and Accuracy
Since the industrial era gave way to new technologies, golf clubhead manufacturing continues to pave the way for unlimited possibilities. Innovative, creative design engineers understand that each process has its place, and the end goal is to incorporate the collective knowledge into designing and building a unique golf club from the highest quality materials that also matches its intended purpose. At Krank Golf, the design and manufacturing of golf club from multiple composite and metallic materials is both an art and science including processes, such as:
Forging – Initially, metal clubheads were hand-forged from iron billets by blacksmiths. Manufacturing golf clubs no longer relies on hand forging as red hot carbon steel is drop forged using progressive dies with precision processes that deliver value-added performance attributes.
Boring & Turning – Both boring and turning are machining processes where the material rotates, and the cutting tool remains fixed. Typically, boring is done using pre-drilled holes to remove precise amounts from the interior, whereas turning operations removes an excess amount exterior material.
Milling & Drilling – For milling and drilling operations, the material remains fixed, and the cutting tool or bit rotates. Computer numeric control processes have improved machining performance as well as the economic feasibility for precision milling, drilling, surfacing, and boring.
Just because it looks like it could be easier to hit a driver with its larger clubface, it likely won’t be unless the head and shaft is personalized for your swing characteristics. Although we build Krank Formula Fire Drivers for professionals like Bryson DeChambeau (who recently shot a tournament-winning round of 58 at Greenbrier),we will continue to develop game-improving features like micro milling of the face with space-age hardening to optimize the spring effect of each Formula Fire clubhead.
Krank Golf isn’t new to winning. We have 26 Professional Long Drive World Championships behind our clubhead technology. If you are tired of giving away crucial yardage, the right Krank Formula FIRE driver and fairway woods will allow you to hit the ball farther off the tee and straighter down the fairway. Click here for our DRIVER FITTING TOOL and start designing a club that is custom built for your swing.